Blue Eyes, 2024£ 380.00
Dance me to the end of love, 2024£ 250.00
Duo D'oiseaux No. 2, 2024£ 400.00
Everything is Connected, 2024£ 400.00
Giverny Garden, 2024£ 380.00
Honestly, 2024£ 380.00
Starling Starlight, 2024£ 400.00
A Song Long Gone, 2023£ 450.00
And then the air turned blue, 2023£ 400.00
Brief Encounter, 2023£ 260.00
I'm Having a Field Day, 2023£ 100.00
Say the Word, 2023£ 400.00
Sphinx Pinx, 2023£ 400.00
The Sentinel, 2023£ 250.00
The Starry Messenger, 2023£ 450.00
Walk This Way, 2023£ 260.00
Feels Like Rain, 2022£ 260.00
It’s Still the Same Old Story, 2022£ 660.00
Oh... here we go, 2021£ 100.00
The Kindness of Trees, 2021£ 220.00
You are... Therefore I am, 2021£ 100.00
First there is a mountain then there is no mountain, 2020£ 450.00
The Forest Bathers, 2020£ 260.00
The Persistence of Sound, 2020£ 450.00
Dark Sun Murmuration, 2019£ 400.00
There's a Moose Loose..., 2019£ 220.00
A House of Glass, 2018£ 300.00
A Palace of Glass, 2018£ 300.00
Bear With Me, 2017£ 220.00
Just Saying, 2017£ 300.00
The Waggle Dance, 2017£ 220.00
The Windfall, 2017£ 220.00
A Lullaby of Longing, 2015£ 220.00
All there is, 2015£ 450.00
Cold now girds, wings of birds, 2015£ 200.00
Geese all mouth, heading south, 2015£ 200.00
Morning Murmuration, 2015£ 600.00
The Crystal Collective, 2015£ 400.00
The Living Mountain, 2015£ 220.00
The Puddle Bathers, 2015£ 250.00
Songs Unsung, 2013£ 400.00
The Bathers, 2013£ 220.00
The Golden Bough, 2013£ 220.00
A Deeper Sleep, 2012£ 550.00
A Thought Became A Whisper, 2012£ 200.00
Partial Eclipse, 2012£ 400.00
A Perfect Number, 2000£ 300.00
A Bite of Caramel£ 130.00
A piece of cake£ 300.00
And Then Songs Filled The Air£ 400.00
Between You and Me£ 300.00
Dark chocolate£ 300.00
Deep Sleep£ 200.00
Doon the Watter£ 100.00
Echo from a Silent Piano£ 400.00
Feeding Birds In Winter£ 220.00
Glasgow Hothouse£ 450.00
Kelvin Night Bird£ 500.00
Kiss Kiss£ 250.00
Listening for Birds£ 260.00
Love Birds£ 400.00
More cake?£ 500.00
My Familiar Unfamiliar£ 100.00
Natural Curiosity£ 400.00
On Leaving Plato's Cave£ 350.00
Once Upon a River£ 400.00
One Singer, One Song£ 450.00
Parrots by Night£ 450.00
Pussy Willow£ 360.00
Some More Cake?£ 300.00
The Lost Synapse£ 380.00
The Mermaid’s Purses£ 400.00
The Moth's Ball£ 360.00
The Murmuration Tree£ 400.00
The Same River Twice£ 150.00
The Somewhere Else£ 380.00
This is how it happened£ 100.00
This moment here now£ 300.00
Timeline£ 500.00
Tread Gently£ 130.00
Wait...what?£ 100.00
Waiting for Stars to Fall£ 220.00
Wish I had a River£ 260.00