Adrian Wiszniewski

Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1958, Wisniewski first trained at the Mackintosh School of Architecture between 1975-1979 before going on to study Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art from 1979-1983. Here he met Steven Campbell, Ken Currie and Peter Howson, together becoming the so-called “New Glasgow Boys”, a leading group in the revival of Scottish figurative painting during the 1980s. Since his first solo shows in Glasgow and London in 1984, he has exhibited extensively throughout the UK and abroad and is considered to be a leading figure in Scottish painting. 


Wiszniewski’s paintings and prints are often figurative, but never wholly realistic. The figures are often used as a conduit to lead the viewer to the layers of meaning contained on the flat surfaces. Their interpretation is open to the viewer who cares to conduct his own dialogue with the work. 


Experimentalism and variousness are hallmarks of his work and are evident in the abundant range of styles and techniques employed in the huge body of print work – over 150 editions – that he has produced at the studio since he first was invited to make prints at Glasgow Print Studio in 1985.