Full Moon, 2024£ 245.00
Third Moon, 2024£ 245.00
Twister, 2024£ 195.00
Billy Hobby, 2022£ 325.00
Sika, 2021£ 365.00
Ben, 2020£ 185.00
Arthur, 2019£ 365.00
Standing to Attention, 2019£ 115.00
Curious Wilf, 2018£ 185.00
After the Walk, 2017£ 210.00
Forwards!, 2015£ 285.00
Ruby, 2013£ 365.00
Attention!, 2012£ 185.00
Sentry, 2012£ 175.00
Strolling, 2012£ 195.00
King II, 2011£ 185.00
King III, 2011£ 185.00
Brodie Sitting, 2008£ 310.00
Brodie Standing, 2008£ 310.00
Homeward Bound, 2007£ 285.00
Xanthe, 2006£ 425.00